Thursday, March 24, 2016

Life/Relationship: Bromance???

Hi guys!
This YEAR seems like I'm ON and OFF here a lot DUE to few ISSUES, I'm so SORRY for my LATE entry~ I will try my BEST at least to write MAYBE 3 or 2 entry per MONTH~ Before this, I told MYSELF to write ONE entry per WEEK but due to many REASONS I CAN'T kept that PROMISE..ㅠㅠ PEOPLE might think its EASY to WRITE a BLOG, well its DEPEND on what KIND of BLOG you are WRITING. For MY blog, BEFORE writing I NEED to gather some INFORMATION from my KOREAN FRIENDS, and reading the FACTS before I start writing. This is because NOT everything on the INTERNET is CORRECT!ㅋㅋ  Of COURSE you need NICE idea and MOOD to WRITE too. ㅋㅋ Ok ENOUGH with my BABBLING!

I'm SURE these days many Korean drama FANS were CAUGHT in DESCENDENTS OF THE SUN fever isn't it? or maybe SOME caught with PLEASE COME BACK, MISTER?? Well BOTH drama have their own CHARMS with SUPERB actor and actresses! When I saw the PREVIEW of both drama, I WONDER which ONE I should WATCH, I'm a BIG fan for SONG JOONG KI and BI RAIN too! At LAST I make my DECISION.ㅋㅋㅋ I DON'T watch Please come back, Mister, my NIECE watching it.ㅋㅋ Like the OTHERS I'm ONE of the FANS that CAUGHT into Descendants of the sun!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ SONG SONG couple make my HEART racing! ㅋㅋㅋ

Well I DON'T have to WRITE the STORY LINE here isn't it?? Lets' MAKE many Korean drama FANS around the WORLD caught in this DRAMA and SEARCH for it! lol Ok  for my TOPIC today is BROMANCE. What this BROMANCE about that RELATED to the DRAMA?? ㅋㅋ SIMPLE I will just used PHOTO of the drama here.ㅋㅋㅋ Before that, anyone knows WHAT is BROMANCE?? Its actually 2 WORDS that been COMBINED into ONE, which is BROTHER and ROMANCE shortly become BROMANCE! BROMANCE is a CLOSE, emotionally intense, NON SEXUAL bond BETWEEN TWO or more MEN. BROMANCE is MALE bonding relationship that EXCEED usual FRIENDSHIP.

Aha! I know SOME of  you might feel CONFUSED isn't it?ㅋㅋㅋ Like I SAID before its NON SEXUAL BOND so its DIFFERENT with being GAY. However I UNDERSTAND that BROMANCE is something UNCOMMON for us in ASIA. In KOREA, BROMANCE is COMMON in ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY but HOW about in REALITY? I have ASKED some of MY Korean MALE FRIENDS about this, on HOW this BROMANCE STAGE start and HOW society PERCEIVE it?? SURPRISING me, MOST of them NOT knowing much ABOUT this!ㅋㅋㅋ So I WONDER why its become POPULAR these days??

After ASKING few KOREAN FRIENDS, I GOT the ANSWER.ㅋㅋㅋ They said this WORD BROMANCE become FAMOUS after recently HIT drama, DESCENDENTS OF THE SUN. Since its ON drama, BROMANCE somehow pop up on NEWS too. I'm NOT sure WHAT they TALK about as I CANNOT find the NEWS CLIP. ㅠㅠ However I'm SURE its about the AFTER EFFECT of the DRAMA.ㅋㅋㅋ We all KNOW that in ASIA there are many ISSUES become a TABOO. This BROMANCE about is on the LIST too. YES its COMMON in ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY as they trying to RE-DEFINE about it yet its still HARD to PERCEIVE by SOCIETY.ㅋㅋ Like any other ASIANS, KOREAN society find this ISSUES is quite DIFFICULT to DEAL with.ASIAN are DIFFERENT from WESTERNERS.ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Thinking about when BROMANCE starts? ㅋㅋ Like I said its HARD to perceive by society, so there is NO NEED to answer that. ㅋㅋㅋ

p/s: If you NEED answer for it, you guys can ask SOMEONE in entertainment industry~ ㅋㅋ        
       However in reality, BROMANCE is something that HARD to ACCEPT by society, and even if          Korean GUYS have this BROMANCE cultural, they HIDE it from PUBLIC.

p/s: For Korean drama FANS, do NOT think all in Korean DRAMA is REAL, ㅋㅋ some of it just in         DRAMA but in SOCIETY its the OPPOSITE things!~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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Monday, March 14, 2016

Special Event: WHITE DAY?? What is it about??

Hey its 14th MARCH today! Do you guys KNOWS that in Korea EVERY 14th each MONTH is a DAY of CELEBRATION?? ㅋㅋ some of you MIGHT wonder what CELEBRATION is that and WHY its EVERY 14th EACH month right?? I have NO idea too WHY its every 14th, ㅋㅋ there are many other DATES but why they CHOOSE every 14th? If ANY of you have IDEA the REASONS behind it, you may SHARE with us~ It's INTERESTING topic isn't it?ㅋㅋㅋ

Like I said earlier EVERY 14th EACH  month is a CELEBRATION day, I WON'T talk about it in this ONE entry because if I DID, I know you guys MIGHT be so TIRED to read it..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Let's FOCUS only for TODAY, 14th MARCH! As you guys KNOWS the CELEBRATION of VALENTINE is on 14th FEBRUARY, in Korea they CELEBRATE it TWICE but of course with DIFFERENT names and DIFFERENT month.ㅋㅋㅋ We all KNOWS that on Valentine normally many COUPLE exchange GIFT to each other. In KOREA some of GIRLS will take a CHANCE to give CHOCOLATE or SWEET GIFT to SOMEONE they ADMIRED on VALENTINE day and HOPING they WILL get the REPLY or ANSWER later.

LATER? WHEN is that? You might WONDER about it right?? It's ACTUALLY on 14th March! This SPECIAL day call WHITE DAY. During WHITE DAY normally a GUY ll give the ANSWER to a GIRL who gave  them CHOCOLATE during VALENTINE Day. If a GIRL received a chocolate on WHITE DAY meaning a guy ACCEPT her as his GIRL/PARTNER. However you have to BEWARE too, who knows the GUY give to every GIRL that give him chocolate during Valentine day??ㅋㅋ It's NOT because they want a girl as PARTNER but simply as to SHOW token of APPRECIATION? ㅋㅋㅋ

WHITE DAY originally START in JAPAN on 1978 with the name HOWAITO DE. This celebration were START by NATIONAL CONFECTIONERY  INDUSTRY  ASSOCIATION as an ANSWER DAY to Valentine Day. After few YEARS the celebration been SPREAD to other ASIAN neighboring countries like in SOUTH KOREA, CHINA and TAIWAN. However there are DIFFERENCES about ITEM been GIVEN to a GIRL between in SOUTH KOREA and JAPAN.

In JAPAN, men PREFER to GIVE a girl some SOFT stuff like MARSHMALLOW, WHITE CHOCOLATE or DARK CHOCOLATE. Apart from that, some might CHOOSE to give NON-EDIBLE item that have SENTIMENTAL VALUE like JEWELRY  or WHITE LINGERIE as an ANSWER. However in KOREA, men normally PREFER to give HARD sweet like LOLLIPOP or HARD CANDY for holiday rather than marshmallow. There is CHOCOLATE gift set too but normally it will INCLUDE HARD CANDY inside the SET

p/s: Even I have experience in RELATIONSHIP with Korean guys, I NEVER get a chance to celebrate this, ㅠㅠ because its LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP. ㅋㅋㅋ However, for me when you are in relationship NO matter what days mark you guys being together, GIVE and TAKE is the MOST important. No NEED to wait for SPECIAL days to give GIFT to your love one, EVERY day can be SPECIAL days for you guys! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Special Event: 1st March Movement

It's already MARCH! Time flies so FAST~ SORRY for the late entry guys, I'm NOT feeling well for these past few WEEKS. I'm getting BETTER now so I decided to WRITE today~ ㅋㅋㅋ In KOREA, 1st March is PUBLIC holiday every YEAR. What is so SPECIAL with this date? Anyone wanna make a wild GUESS?? O-o ㅋㅋ

It's actually a DAY where the FIRST INDEPENDENT MOVEMENT start on 1919 by KOREAN from JAPANESE Empire. I know some of you might CONFUSED with 15 August celebration isn't it?? Well they celebrate BOTH, but for 1st March is more known as DECLARATION of Movement (1919) while on 15 August is known as RESTORATION of LIGHT DAY, this celebration start on 1945 as a FREEDOM from Japanese during WORLD WAR 2.Both celebrations is DIFFERENT as YEARS apart but yes from SAME colonized which is JAPANESE

For this YEAR, its the 97th CELEBRATION of 1st March Movement.The 1st March Movement literally known in Korea as SAM-IL MOVEMENT. There is ANOTHER name for it which is MAN-SE Demonstration. I'm sure if you guys knows the most FAMOUS triplets in Korea, you might familiar with the words "MANSE"ㅋㅋㅋ Their father portray the BEST patriotic spirit in his triplets names, DAEHAN MINGGUK and MANSE which mean THE DEMOCRATIC NATION OF THE GREAT HAN/ REPUBLIC OF KOREA HURRAH! What a GREAT names right??! ㅋㅋㅋ

Anyway BACK to our TOPIC~ SAM-IL Movement in KOREA START at SEOUL as the RESULT of repressive nature of colonial occupation under the military rule of Japanese Empire. However is it start because of that PARTICULAR reason or there is another REASONS for it??? I read some of articles about it and FOUND out that BEFORE it start in KOREA actually it was BEGIN at JAPAN itself! The movement START after KOREAN STUDENTS in TOKYO hearing a SPEECH by President Woodrow Wilson at PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE on January 1919. During the conference, President Woodrow Wilson had POINT out about the RIGHT of National SELF-DETERMINATION, as they hearing that, they PUBLISHED a statement and DEMAND FREEDOM from JAPANESE Empire. 

Apart from the SPEECH, on 21 January 1919, Emperor KOJONG, which is the FORMER 26th King of Joseon Dynasty had PASS AWAY. This incident widely known as SUSPICIOUS the DEATH of him, that he been POISONED as there are several attempt by JAPANESE rules or known as coffee plot. Due to this incident and the hearing, Koreans start to DEMAND FREEDOM from Japanese Empire following by the EVENT on 1st March. For more INFORMATION about it, you may read here.  

For this YEAR, 2016. as a DAY to commemorate the SACRIFICE of their ancestor in 1919. Seoul Metropolitan Library CHOOSE to put on their board the letters of"HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ME?" This catch phrase as referring to ONE of  SURVIVING KOREAN COMFORT WOMEN, Ms. Gil during WORLD WAR 2. The Seoul Metropolitan also put their KOREAN National Flag "TAEGUKGI" on the wall of City Hall as well ENCOURAGE citizens to SNAP photos in front of it as to SHOW that they always remembered their FALLEN PATRIOTS who fought for their country during Japanese Rules.  

P/s: When I was in KOREA, I saw many KOREAN bring their KIDS even BABIES to HISTORY PLACES in Korea, for all KOREAN, why NOT bring your KIDS or LOVE one to this HISTORICAL area during SPECIAL day like today~ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

 Photo Credit: Seoulcity Korea facebook